Welcome to the North Wales Cancer Appeal


Massive achievement Sally Smart and her Breast Friends

Earlier this year Just Giving opened nominations for the 2024 GoCardless JustGiving Awards.
They had over 18,000 nominations, and after an extensive shortlisting process, our very own Sally Smart, from Prestatyn and her “Breast Friends” have been shortlisted to one of the top three finalists in one of the 6 categories, the Creative section.

Her fundraising for the North Wales Cancer Appeal has been nothing short of spectacular. Sally and her Breast Friends have raised in excess of £30,000 for the charity. The North Wales Cancer Appeal continue to be hugely grateful to them all.
In order for Sally and her friends to go forward and be successful in winning the top Just Giving award, they are opening the voting up to the general public. So we are inviting as many of you as possible to vote for her by following this link.


For more information on Sally Smarts story please see the Latest News Section on this website.

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Open Garden

The Open Garden on Sunday May 19th was a great success. The sun shone and the people came, the number in excess of 600.
Our huge thanks to our hosts David and Lynda Jones of Foxhall, Henllan for opening their splendid garden to allow us to raise money for the charity. We have made a large sum of money and we are so grateful to them and to all who attended.
We had a superb collection of cakes, many made by members of Henllan Church, the WI, our committee and many more kind people. We are truly grateful to them all.
People sat in the sunshine and enjoyed their afternoon tea surrounded by a garden full of colour, rolling hills and farmland.

A huge thank you to the stall holders and everyone who contributed and helped throughout the day.

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Donations from Meira Jones and her family

We are hugely grateful to Meira and her family for their generous donation following the collection in memory of their mother Gwen Morris of Bronant Farm Groes. Many thanks to you all.

  • meira ai theulu gyda y siec

London Marathon

We are thrilled that our 4 runners who took part in the London Marathon 2024 and completed the 26.2 mile challenge.

They all made impressive times and we are so incredibly grateful to them for their fundraising.
Joanne Griffiths - 4hrs 13mins 50 secs
Dewi Griffiths - 4hrs 39mins 42secs
Claire Hughes - 5hrs 55mins 12 secs
Kayleigh Edwards - 4hrs 38mins 45secs

  • joanne
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  • kayleigh


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Latest News

  • Sally Smart and her Breast Friends

    £30,100 - This is a remarkable achievement. Many thanks to you all.
    Rest assured, this fantastic amount will benefit those receiving treatment at the Centre. Follow Sally’s story under Latest News.

    ....read more about Sally Smart and her Breast Friends

  • Fantastic Achievement Sally Smart and her Breast Friends

    Sally’s story was splashed all over BBC Wales yesterday 22/01/23. They have so far raised £20,000 for the North Wales Cancer Appeal, which supports the Cancer Centre at Glan Clwyd. The sales of her calendar have reached new highs since the BBC coverage. We are truly grateful to them all.

    ....read more about Sally Smart and her Breast Friends Story

  • Sally Smart Calender 2024

    We are hugely grateful to Sally Smart and all her Breast Friends for their ongoing support. They are an incredible team, and together, they have already raised an amazing amount for the North Wales Cancer Appeal and continue to do so with this exciting calendar for 2024.

    ....read more about Sally Smart and her Breast Friends Story

  • The Kilimanjaro challenge for Carole Roxburgh and Sukhdev Hanzra

    On 11th January 2024, Carole Roxburgh and Sukhdev Hanzra from Carbone Clinic UK will embrace the Kilimanjaro challenge to raise funds for the North Wales Cancer Appeal in memory of John and Karen Hall, formerly of Brookhouse Mill, Denbigh.

    ....read more about Carole Roxburgh and Sukhdev Hanzra Story

  • Sharing Shaun Loughran’s Story.

    It was a pleasure to meet Shaun and Gary recently and for the handover of the incredible sum of £2,355.89 that they raised for the charity.

    ....read more about Shaun Loughran’s Story

  • Jack Edwards

On 29th April Jack completed a 100km run from Prestatyn to Bangor. The route followed the North Wales Coastal path and took in some beautiful scenery.

....read more about Jack's run

  • Congratulations to our successful runners for completing the London Marathon 2023.

    Wonderful news and well done to them all:-

    Our 3 Gold Bond places were taken by Jac Glover who achieved a personal best of 3hrs 47mins 28secs

    ....read more about our successful runners

  • Jac’s “Movember”.

    Following Jac’s “Movember” blog on Instagram, which was a very enlightening and honest account of his treatment journey, we are immensely grateful to him and all his faithful followers for the very impressive amount raised.

    ....read more about Jac’s “Movember”

Visit our Latest News page.